<h3>Save a copy of sent messages in "Sent" folder</h3>
<p>Check this box to have eM Client automatically store all your sent messages in the "Sent" folder.</p>
<h3>Send messages immediately</h3>
<p>Check this box to have your e-mails sent as soon as you click the <b class="names_of_controls">Send </b>button in the upper left corner of the <b class="names_of_controls">New message</b> window.</p>
<p>Otherwise the messages will be stored until you click the <b class="names_of_controls">Send and Receive All</b> button on the eM Client's toolbar.</p>
<h3>Automatically complete email addresses when composing</h3>
<p>Check this box to let eM Client attempt to auto-completion the email address you are typing in.</p>
<p>This functions enables you to quickly insert the receiver's address when composing a new email. Simply type the first few letters of the desired receiver's address into the email's <b class="names_of_controls">To:</b> field and eM Client will display a list of all the contacts from your address book whose email address begins with what you have typed in.</p>
<h3>Automatically save emails to drafts every X minutes</h3>
<p>Check this box to have eM Client periodically save the email message you are currently composing in the <b class="names_of_controls">Drafts </b>folder. So if you are interrupted while writing an email, you can recover the unfinished email from the Drafts folder.</p>
<p>In the numeric field you can specify, how often eM Client saves your unfinished email.</p>
<h3>Spell checker</h3>
<p>The spell checker is turned on by default and can help you avoid typos. However it can be turned off by unchecking the box.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Recipients History</h3>
<p>eM Client can store the addresses you type into the recipient fields of your emails and can use these stored addresses to suggest and auto-finish the recipient fields in the future, regardless whether the recipients are in your contact list or not.</p>
<p>Click on <b class="names_of_controls">Clear recipient history...</b> to clear the stored recipients for privacy reasons.</p>